ADL report reveals resurgent far-right violence; Colleges eye tumult over ‘free speech’; Data mining is antifascists’ secret weapon; and more.
The Atlantic: The resurgent threat of white-supremacist violence is revealed in a new report.
New York Times: Colleges around the nation prepare for tumult in 2018 as white supremacists demand a stage.
The Guardian (UK): The American far right is crashing after its post-Trump victory high.
Wired: Meet antifascists’ secret weapon against far-right extremists.
Washington Post: Calling out racists is actually good for your health, according to science – here’s how to do it.
Salon: Trump’s racism seems likely to doom any immigration compromise, so now what?
Talking Points Memo: Sessions tells Carlson, ‘A good nation’ doesn’t admit ‘illiterate immigrants.’
Right Wing Watch: Gavin MacInnes dedicates his MLK Day broadcast to smearing MLK.
Media Matters: Tucker Carlson has a Fox News meltdown after guest calls out his racism.
Reuters: Britain bans entry for prominent American denier of the Holocaust.
Raw Story: Alyssa Milano slams Sebastian Gorka over GOP immigration policy: ‘Nazi is your first language.’
Kansas City Star: Arkansas fans made monkey noises and crow caws at a girls’ basketball team with black players.
WLWT-TV (Cincinnati, OH): U.S. judges rule in favor of Mexican woman who was deported from Cincinnati in 2017.
Columbia Journalism Review: Europe tries to fight hate, harassment and fake news without killing free speech.