Donald Trump wins the presidency; Duke loses Senate race; Arpaio out in Arizona; Election dispels ‘postracial’ myth; and more.
The New York Times: Donald Trump rides a populist tide to win the presidency.
Arizona Republic: Maricopa County voters oust Joe Arpaio as sheriff, replace him with Paul Penzone.
Mother Jones: Reviled white supremacist David Duke loses his Louisiana Senate bid by wide margin.
Huffington Post: This election has completely debunked the myth of a ‘postracial America.’
USA Today: Trump sign promoting KKK found next to Nathan Bedford Forrest memorial statue.
Slate: Research on Trump supporters find many whites see blacks as less than fully human.
Access ADL: Right-wing extremists decry Election Day ‘rigging,’ ‘intimidation,’ threaten terrorism.
Washington Post: Oath Keepers warn of race riots, terrorist attacks and martial law as part of post-election chaos.
Mother Jones: Voter intimidation targeting Muslims reported at Michigan polling site.
Raw Story: Delaware state police confront Trump supporter at elementary school polling place.
Tennessean: Cookville transgender veteran’s truck vandalized with ‘Trump’ graffiti, set on fire.
Right Wing Watch: Trump ally warns that America is swarming with homosexuality-spreading demon hornets.
Talking Points Memo: GOP lawyers label non-partisan Brennan Center voting-rights group ‘terrorists.’
MassLive (Springfield, MA): Anti-LGBT evangelist Scott Lively seeks to have ‘crimes against humanity’ charges dismissed.
The Guardian (UK): Oregon sheriff Glenn Palmer’s re-election bid could be ‘a pivotal moment in the history of the West.’
The Post and Courier (Charleston, SC): Federal judge in Dylann Roof case delays trial until Nov. 21.
The Atlantic: Larry Klayman files a lawsuit accusing Black Lives Matter of inciting a ‘war on police.’