• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 1/20/15

Hatewatch Staff

Crooks and Liars: Bill O’Reilly’s history lesson on the Ku Klux Klan lacking in facts.

Talking Points Memo: White survivalist shoots small-town Oklahoma police chief, then released from custody.

Dallas Morning News: Amid barrage of hateful messages and protesters, Islamic conference on tolerance proceeds anyway.

Raw Story: KKK group in Pennsylvania celebrates Martin Luther King Day by distributing flyer bearing his mug shot.

U.K. Progressive: A conversation with the leader of the reconstituted version of the Michigan Militia.

Montana Cowgirl: Anti-tribal landowners’ group getting advice from extremist ‘birther’ on demands for water pact.

Right Wing Watch: CIS official wonders why ‘Black Lives Matter’ protesters aren’t protesting immigrants.

Spokesman Review: Restaurant’s ‘Shorty Can’t Breathe Either’ sign evokes racial comparisons.