• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 12/1/2016

Hatewatch Staff


Pressure grows on Trump over hate groups; How to stop playing defense on hate crimes; Alt-right has a Jewish godfather; and more.

Mother Jones: The pressure grows on Donald Trump to fully repudiate the hate groups that love him.

Bloomberg View: Trump’s coming witch hunt against political Islam, courtesy of Frank Gaffney.

Media Matters: It’s time for the media to stop normalizing hate by calling reactionary white nationalism ‘populism.’

Wired: Trump’s transition team is closely connected to weird anti-LGBT pseudoscience.

Time: Stop playing defense on hate crimes, take an active role in standing up to them as communities.

Tablet: Meet Paul Gottfried, the alt-right’s Jewish godfather.

The New York Times: The far right now has a new digital safe space: Gab.

PennLive: Pennsylvania man, 22, faces federal hate crime charge in brutal subway beating of black man.

Right Wing Watch: Anti-immigrant hate group FAIR lays out its wish list for Trump’s first year.

Politico: Muslim government officials huddle on ways to survive a Trump administration.

Kansas City Star: Two Kansas men plead guilty in hate crime attack on three Somali men in Dodge City.

Raw Story: White Florida man repeatedly punches Hispanic worker in the back of the head, shouting: ‘This is for Donald Trump.’