Oregon governor, newspaper call for end to standoff; Glenn Beck joins Ted Cruz on the campaign trail; Fox watcher threatens to kill Muslims; and more.
Talking Points Memo: Will the Oregon militiamen ever be brought to justice?
Associated Press: Oregon governor calls on federal authorities to bring an end to extremists’ occupation of refuge.
Oregonian: Editorial: At the refuge, it’s time to pull the plug.
Christian Science Monitor: Conservation groups hold rallies around Oregon urging end to Malheur occupation.
Media Matters: Glenn Beck joins Ted Cruz’s long list of extremist media endorsers.
Huffington Post: Man charged with federal hate crime in anti-LGBT assault at Amazon facility in Virginia.
Right Wing Watch: FRC’s Tony Perkins claims Ronald Reagan would never have negotiated with Iran.
WFTV-TV (Orlando, FL): Ad attacking Walt Disney World’s use of foreign workers has ties to anti-immigrant hate group FAIR.
Billings Gazette (MT): Trial postponed for Kalispell man accused of threatening children, Jewish leaders.
Salon: California man threatened to shoot up Muslim civil-rights group after watching Fox News for a week.