Pompeo’s ties to far-right anti-Muslim groups; Where Silicon Valley’s hate speech dysfunction began; Tips for journalists covering the far right; and more.
Right Wing Watch: Mike Pompeo, purportedly in line to be Secretary of State, has ties to far-right anti-Muslim groups.
New Yorker: The origins of Silicon Valley’s dysfunctional attitude towards hate speech.
Snopes.com: A look at some widely spread falsehoods about Muslims.
The Nation: Gary Younge advises reporters on how best to interview a white nationalist.
ADL.org: Ten tips for journalists newly covering far-right extremists.
The Daily Progress (Charlottesville, VA): Jason Kessler files for a permit to march on ‘Unite the Right’ anniversary in 2018.
Right Wing Watch: The neo-Nazis got drunk and wrote a touching ode to ‘Trad Women.’
Huffington Post: The FBI’s major crime report is missing critical info and experts are sounding the alarm.
AlterNet: Jeff Sessions’ constant lying is being used to help the criminal defense of the white cop who murdered Walter Scott.
Media Matters: CNN’s ‘both sides’ problem infects its coverage of Trump’s anti-Muslim tweets.
The Forward: Why doesn’t the New York Times mention Ben Shapiro’s virulent Islamophobia?
Oregonian: Malheur refuge occupier Jon Ritzheimer apologizes as he receives a one-year sentence.
Salon: The alt-right catches knight fever – but medieval scholars strike back.
Raw Story: Black Florida Republican announces he’s leaving GOP because Trump’s racism fuels ‘the potential for a race war.’
Think Progress: In 2008 audio, Roy Moore compares marriage equality to Nazism and pines for anti-sodomy laws.
Columbus Dispatch (OH): Ohio House speaker defends overlooking behavior of ex-member accused of molestation.
Washington Post: Ku Klux Klan chapter aims recruiting campaign at small Virginia towns.
Vice: Murder at America’s Border: The story of an anti-immigration vigilante named Shawna Forde.
BuzzFeed: This guy is trying to lead Canada’s budding white-nationalist movement.