• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 12/12/2018

Hatewatch Staff


Conspiracy theories still thriving on YouTube; Columbia student’s race rant goes viral; Trump’s ‘disease’ attack echoes Nazi propaganda; and more.

Washington Post: Two years after #Pizzagate showed the dangers of hateful conspiracies, they’re still rampant on YouTube.

New York Times: ‘I just love white men’: White man aims racist rant at Columbia students of color.

Salon: Scholar Jason Stanley on the rhetoric of American fascism: ‘Donald Trump is destroying the truth.’

AlterNet: Trump’s latest racist attack on immigrants, claiming ‘disease,’ echoes Nazi propaganda.

Pacific Standard: Discomfort with multiculturalism among whites is linked to despair fueling opioid epidemic.

CBS2-TV (Chicago): Indiana lawmakers move forward with a hate crimes law, first for state.

Washington Post: Neo-Nazis gathered to mourn a dead leader. Then they attacked a black DJ, police say.

Think Progress: Hate group files lawsuit to ensure agency can discriminate against same-sex couples.

Daily Beast: These teenage trolls are pretending to be LGBT, and screwing up scientific studies.

Media Matters: Fox guest calls homophobia a ‘different lifestyle choice’ that must be tolerated.

Pittsburgh City Paper (PA): Colcom Foundation removes its name from Holiday Market amid criticism of anti-immigrant ties.

Right Wing Watch: Liz Crokin says ‘it’s a miracle’ she hasn’t been killed by the Clintons yet.

Record-Chronicle (Denton, TX): Proud Boys lawyer from Denton drops his defamation lawsuit over ‘Nazi’ claims.

Guardian: Steve Bannon says he wants to drive a stake through the Brussels vampire.

Forward: How a German art collective got a crew of neo-Nazis to identify themselves.