Google won’t alter search results highlighting Holocaust denial; Tech workers vow not to aid Trump; Jones scrubs ‘Pizzagate’ from site; and more.
Gizmodo: Google won’t alter the Holocaust-denying results for a simple ‘Did the Holocaust happen’ search.
CNN Tech: European commission pushes U.S. tech, social media companies to act faster in removing hate speech.
Reuters: Tech employees vow not to help Trump surveil Muslims, deport immigrants.
New York Times Magazine: Who’s responsible when extremists get a platform?
Talking Points Memo: ‘Pizzagate’ shooter tried to recruit friends, suggested he was willing to die.
Media Matters: Alex Jones scrubs his website of ‘Pizzagate’ material, while complaint reveals new tie connecting shooter to Jones.
Salon: Alex in Wonderland as the conspiracy-meister tries to paint a ‘rogue CIA’ behind the Russia story.
Right Wing Watch: John Bolton’s ‘false flag’ claim, and five other conspiracy theories he’s embraced.
Christian Science Monitor: What motivated Dylann Roof? Confession played in court offers clues.
CNet: Hate speech makes its return to Twitter along with the Alt-Right’s Richard Spencer.
KULR8-TV (Kalispell, MT): Spencer’s racist activism in Montana tears apart a community, and his family too.
Raw Story: Michigan firefighter canned after berating woman with racist pro-slavery rant on Facebook.
Los Angeles Times: Police seeking second man they believe responsible for hate-crime stabbing of Simi Valley mosque worshiper.