Trump and Roof are brothers in resentment; Google fails on fake news ad front; Arpaio claims probe proves ‘Birther’ theory; and more.
Slate: Brothers in resentment: What gave us Donald Trump is what gave us Dylann Roof.
Forward: Does Google want us to think Nazis are cool?
Media Matters: Google promised to top making fake news profitable, but one month later, they’ve failed.
Guardian (UK): How Breitbart opened up a new front in the war over fake news – by labeling legitimate pieces ‘fake’.
Talking Point Memo: After hoax exposed, experts warn that one incident doesn’t discredit wave of post-election hate crimes.
New York Magazine: Alt-Right troll Milo Yiannopoulos uses campus visit to openly mock transgender student.
USA Today: On his way out, Sheriff Joe Arpaio claims his probe proves Obama’s birth certificate is a fake.
New York Times: New York man convicted of hate crime attacks on worshippers at Queen mosque.
Washington Post: White supremacist flyers from American Vanguard show up on University of Maryland campus.
Raw Story: Swastika, racial epithet and ‘Trump 2016’ written on car in second incident at Temple University.
CNN: Why reporting hate crimes should be mandatory, not voluntary, for law enforcement.
NBC4 Washington (DC): Virginia nightclub threatened after refusing to host pro-Trump Alt-Right ‘DeploraBall’.
KETV-TV (Omaha, NE): Photo of white supremacist group’s gathering in Omaha bar creates a social media stir.
Associated Press: Pittsburgh mayor to sign controversial bill banning gay conversion therapy for minors.
New Jersey Jewish News: Holocaust denial is no longer a thing of the past, thanks to the Alt-Right, lecturer warns.
OC Weekly (Anaheim, CA): Police reports on Ku Klux Klan brawl in Anaheim prove that police chief lied about response.