Bigotry the ‘new normal’ for GOP; Ohio conspiracy theorist running for office; LA County targets anti-Muslim hate crimes; and more.
Washington Post: For Republicans, bigotry is the new normal.
Right Wing Watch: Radical anti-gay, anti-choice conspiracy theorist Janet Porter running for the Ohio Legislature.
Salon: Right-wingers are enabling the most bizarre fringe conspiracy theories to thrive in the mainstream.
Raw Story: Enraged California woman who attacked praying Muslims in park is charged with a hate crime.
MyNewsLA: Los Angeles County targets ‘fear and anger’ bigotry by battling hate crimes against Muslims.
KUTV-TV (Salt Lake City): Utah couple arrested in hate crime for cornering gay man and beating him up.
ITV: White supremacist jailed for eight years in plot to kill Muslims, President Obama with ‘death ray.’
Voice of America: Syrian refugee issue could come to a vote in Idaho.