• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 12/20/2017

Hatewatch Staff


Press gave ADF’s agenda a helping hand; Far-right killers are Trump admirers too; Religious right moves into the White House full-time; and more.

Media Matters: A compliant press helped bring Alliance Defending Freedom’s anti-LGBT hate back into the mainstream.

Think Progress: Here are the far-right murderers and terrorists who have publicly supported Trump.

Right Wing Watch: This was the year the religious right moved into the White House.

The Conversation: Trump may have emboldened hate in Canada, but it was already here.

The Guardian (UK): When does political discord escalate to incitement? Ask Donald Trump.

Talking Points Memo: Virginia State Police say recent departures unrelated to Charlottesville response.

Washington Post: Reporter Margaret Sullivan suggests how journalists should cover white supremacists.

CNet: Reddit was a misinformation hotspot in the 2016 election, study finds.

Newsweek: Facebook says it’s censoring more content after viral video of Mexican school shooting.

Snopes.com: No, United Nations peacekeepers will not be deployed to the streets of Chicago.