• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 1/26/15

Hatewatch Staff

Right Wing Watch: Bobby Jindal’s extremist prayer rally brings together prophets, bigots, and far-right activists.

Raw Story: Jindal explains to ABC viewers that his hate-group prayer rally was part of a ‘time-honored tradition.’

CNN: Sarah Palin and Donald Trump both tell Iowa gathering they’re interested in running for the presidency.

The Oklahoman: To ‘protect’ court clerks from having to recognize same-sex unions, legislation would put an end to all marriage licenses.

Think Progress: Powerful ad shows Redskins football without the racist name.

Talking Points Memo: NAACP president visits Colorado Springs chapter after bombing of offices.

Daily Kos: Perhaps ‘no-go zone’ Jindal would like to discuss ethnic enclaves in the United States.