Trump wants to ban Muslims immigration; Fiore offers to shoot refugees herself; Paranoia rules the right-wing reality; and more.
New York Times: Donald Trump calls for a ban on all Muslims entering the United States.
CNN: Trump’s proposal has its origins with a hate group from the fringes of the extremist right.
Talking Points Memo: Nevada legislator Michele Fiore says of refugees, ‘I’ll fly to Paris and shoot ‘em myself.’
CBS St. Louis: Local Muslims receiving increasing numbers of death threats as fears of terrorism rise.
Think Progress: Ted Cruz’s weirdly insurrectionist take on the Second Amendment.
Palm Beach Post (FL): Man arrested in vandalism of Islamic center is son of prominent educator.
Raw Story: Two Muslim women endure verbal abuse in Austin restaurant, and patrons look on approvingly.
TruthDig: The cases of Roof, Dear, and Tashfeen Malik reveal the double standard for ‘self-radicalized lone-wolf terrorists.’
Salon: Inside the paranoid right-wing reality, where terrorists are literally everywhere, and people are ‘armed to the hilt.’