• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 1/3/2018

Hatewatch Staff


Conspiracists reached halls of government in 2017; Anti-sharia laws are proliferating; Ex-hate group leader suggests ways to counter; and more.

Salon: Six far-right conspiracy theories that reached Congress and the White House in 2017.

The Guardian (UK): Anti-sharia laws proliferate as Trump strikes a hostile tone toward Muslims.

AlterNet: Former white-supremacist leader suggests ways to stop hate groups from spreading.

Media Matters: Fox News report neglects to mention that Colorado gunman had white-supremacist ties.

Talking Points Memo: Extremist ex-Sheriff David Clarke suspended from Twitter after threat to ‘lying lib media.’

Vice: The ‘Crying Nazi’ just sued antifascists for allegedly framing him in Charlottesville.

Right Wing Watch: Far-right Operation Rescue names Trump its ‘Pro Life Person of the Year’ for 2017.

Think Progress: After Confederate memorial taken down, North Carolina proposal would limit ‘spontaneous’ protests.

Raw Story: Christian group faces backlash after featuring ‘brainwashed’ ex-lesbian in ‘disgusting’ viral video.

Arkansas Online: GOP’s newest mini-Trump candidate is an Arkansas woman who declared her gun range a ‘Muslim-free zone.’

Associated Press: Twitter suspends former College Republicans leader at Washington State.

ProPublica: Recipe for reporters: Investigating your police department’s handling of hate crimes.