Media Matters: Fox’s Bill O’Reilly hosts David Duke to defend House whip for speaking to white supremacist group.
Raw Story: Alabama police fatally shoot antigovernment ‘sovereign citizen’ at animal shelter.
Asbury Park Press: Man charged with hate crime for burning swastika into Lakewood family’s lawn.
Boston Globe: Boston cop charged with assaulting Uber driver allegedly uttered racial slurs.
Right Wing Watch: Larry Klayman’s predictions for 2015 include Ebola, race war, and dictatorship.
Talking Points Memo: Fox News host falls for racist fake photo while bashing ‘Black Brunch’ protests.
WREG-TV (Memphis, TN): ‘Pro-white’ flyers spotted in southwest Memphis.
Think Progress: To avoid marrying same-sex couples, 14 Florida counties stop all courthouse weddings.