• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 1/9/2017

Hatewatch Staff


How “Alt-Right” trolls terrorize their victims; Spencer’s anti-Semitism out in the open; Fischer decries single-use bathrooms; and more.

The Forward: How ‘Alt-Right’ trolling has become the cross-burning of the Twitter age.

Missoulian (MT): Police say white supremacist march in Whitefish is unlikely to happen.

IREHR: Richard Spencer is known as Alt-Right and white-nationalist leader, but he is also a rabid anti-Semite.

LGBTQ Nation: AFA’s Bryan Fischer thinks single-use bathrooms give trans people ‘special rights.’

Media Matters: Daily Beast exposes racist Alt-Right conspiracy theory about Fort Lauderdale airport shooter.

Oregonian: Prosecutors want California man to remove posts on FBI informants in Malheur refuge occupation case.

BuzzFeed: A Jewish family receives threatening note after hanging ‘Black Lives Matter’ banner.

Salon: The next wave of anti-trans bathroom bills will be even worse, as Virginia legislation demonstrates.

WBAL-TV (Baltimore, MD): Ann Arundel high-schoolers get ‘Kool Kids Klan’ recruitment flyers, petition.

Right Wing Watch: Michele Bachmann tells FRC’s Perkins she hopes Trump reverses ‘evil’ gay rights causes.

Talking Points Memo: After man leaves banana peels on black family’s driveway, police find arsenal, Nazi memorabilia in his home.

Al Jazeera: Black musician Daryl Davis describes how he befriends Ku Klux Klan members and convinces them to leave group.