• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines – 2/11/14

David Neiwert

We’re kicking off a new daily feature highlighting the best stories around the web on hate and extremism. If you see a story that we should include, please email us (hatewatch at splcenter.org), post in the comments or send via Facebook or Twitter.

Raw Story: Testimony in Florida trial that man used racially charged word before gunning down black teen at service station.

Crooks and Liars: Sympathizers descend on Yelp to write ‘glowing reviews’ of Oklahoma restaurant run by unrepentant bigot.

Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights: New report analyzes intersection between so-called Tea Party property rights groups and anti-Indian racism.

Media Matters: How former SNL comic Victoria Jackson’s far-right political candidacy was fueled by fringe media.

Talking Points Memo: Russian skater changes her tune, blames racist anti-Obama tweet on hacked account.