• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 2/1/2018

Hatewatch Staff


Far right adopts ‘Americans are dreamers’ line; YouTube ‘Bloodsports’ an alt-right haven; Google monetizes hate speech using ad dollars; and more.

Think Progress: Signature line from Trump’s speech is already a white-nationalist rallying cry.

Daily Beast: Florida congressman invited far-right troll to join him for Trump’s State of the Union speech.

Talking Points Memo: Trump’s immigration rhetoric makes DACA fix an even heavier lift.

AlterNet: Trump official considered using controversial ‘abortion reversal’ treatment on undocumented teen.

Raw Story: Trump environmental nominee exposed as bizarre climate-change conspiracy theorist.

Right Wing Watch: Welcome to YouTube ‘Bloodsports,’ the alt-right’s newest recruiting tool.

Quartz: Dear Google: Please stop using my advertising dollars to monetize hate speech.

Media Matters: Pro-Trump media instantly full of conspiracy theories about accident involving Republican retreat train.

Seattle Times: Army to pay $4 million to families of Marysville man, girlfriend slain by ‘FEAR’ militiamen.

CNN: White nationalist Richard Spencer can’t get a lawyer, but he wants Charlottesville suit tossed.

Oregonian: Passengers in Finicum’s truck file separate civil lawsuit against FBI, Harney County sheriff.

Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA): Ex-sheriff Joe Arpaio’s speaking event in Spokane canceled after backlash.

50.50: Why are women joining far-right movements, and why are we so surprised when they do?

Vermont Digger: White supremacist threatens to protest Montpelier high school’s Black Lives Matter flag.

BuzzFeed: College tennis player suspended for telling his black opponent, ‘At least I know my dad.’

Babe: That guy who tried to get a classmate deported has been kicked out of his school.

International Examiner (Seattle): Over 90 faith leaders from Puget Sound region pledge to dismantle anti-Muslim bigotry.

NJ.com: New Jersey senator, a white man, just wants to feel ‘comfortable’ in America.