• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 2/13/2017

Hatewatch Headlines


How Putin became the global hero of nationalism; Gorka sports a dubious medal; Miller once hassled Hispanic students; and more.

The Atlantic: How Russia’s Vladimir Putin became the hero of nationalist movements around the world.

Lobelog: Why is Trump adviser Sebastian Gorka wearing a medal honoring notorious Nazi collaborators?

Huffington Post: Trump’s anti-extremism proposal could alienate Muslims and cut funds to fight white nationalists.

AlterNet: As a conspiracy theorist, Trump has it out for the CIA.

Univision: How White House adviser Stephen Miller went from pestering Hispanic kids to designing immigration policy.

Mic: Aided by a healthy dollop of bad science, white supremacists adopt milk as their creamy symbolic beverage of choice.

Crooks and Liars: Fight fascists with mockery, not the violence that fuels them.

CNN: Apple CEO Tim Cook calls for ‘massive campaign’ against fake news.

Daily Journal (Park Hills, MO): Authorities recover body of noted white supremacist Frank Ancona from riverside site.

El Tecolote: Bay Area neo-Nazi hid his activities in plain sight.

Press-Telegram (Long Beach, CA): Flyers from white nationalist group removed from Cal State campus.

WRDW-TV (Augusta, GA): White supremacist ‘Identity Evropa’ posters also found on Augusta Tech campus.