• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 2/18/2016

Hatewatch Staff


Hate groups rising with key anti-Muslim groups joining ranks; Extremist billionaire behind Cruz’s campaign; Lawmaker identifies ‘third sex’ in rulings; and more.

Washington Post: The ‘year of enormous rage’ saw the number of hate groups rise by 14 percent.

Imagine 2050: Prominent anti-Muslim organizations earn ‘hate group’ designation in new report.

Think Progress: Donald Trump honors men who ‘took action’ against a young Latina protester.

AlterNet: Meet the secretive, extremist billionaire who made Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign possible.

Taking Note (New York Times): Facts and figures about South Carolina Trump supporters’ views on the Civil War.

Capital-Journal (Topeka, KS): Lawmaker says gay people are now a ‘third sex’ under the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage rulings.

Associated Press: St. Paul police officer who told drivers to run over Black Lives Matter protesters resigns.

Right Wing Watch: Scott Lively claims Obama orchestrated the coup in Ukraine to prevent Russian-style anti-gay law from sweeping the world.

Raw Story: Pennsylvania home hides Confederate flag and lynched black baby doll display after reporters seek answers.