• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 2/2/2016

Hatewatch Staff


Opposing protests face off in Burns; Cruz applauds Robertson’s eliminationist vow; Trump urges rally-goers to ‘knock the crap’ out of disruptors; and more.

The Oregonian: Opposing demonstrations in Burns divide locals in Harney County over Bundy standoff.

Talking Points Memo: Cliven Bundy keeps egging on militiamen to continue standoff in Oregon.

Raw Story: Ted Cruz applauds Duck Dynasty star’s vow to ‘rid the earth’ of gay-marriage supporters.

Media Matters: Extremist hosts rally for Cruz on eve of Iowa caucuses.

The Daily Beast: White Boy Day has arrived for Donald Trump’s army of white-nationalist supporters.

Crooks and Liars: Trump calls on his brownshirt brigade at rally to ‘knock the crap’ out of disrupters.

Salon: Fox News pundit opens Black History Month by insulting black voters and their ‘slavish support’ for Democrats.

Right Wing Watch: Alex Jones warns that Bernie Sanders will throw us all into forced-labor camps like Mao Zedong.