Trump anti-terror plan solely focuses on Muslims; Reddit bans ‘Alt-Right’ section; Milo talk sparks Berkeley riots; and more.
Reuters: Trump to focus counterterrorism program solely on Islam, ignoring white supremacists and others, sources say.
Raw Story: Reddit says goodbye to subreddit dominated by the Alt-Right in attempt to crack down on harassment.
ABC News Tonight: What unearthed recordings tell us about Stephen Bannon’s views on Muslims and war.
Haaretz: White nationalist Richard Spencer hails Trump’s ‘de-Judaification of the Holocaust.’
San Francisco Chronicle: UC Berkeley cancels Milo Yiannopoulos talk after violent protest breaks out.
Media Matters: Trump’s white supremacist supporters are thrilled with his choice for the Supreme Court. (OH): Rep. Steve Chabot posts meme from anti-Semitic website to prove the media hate Trump.
Rolling Stone: The anti-refugee movement is America at its most ignorant.
Backchannel: The police can target Muslims using conspiracy theorist John Guandolo’s website.
Right Wing Watch: Anti-choice activists see hope for overturning Roe v. Wade, defunding Planned Parenthood under Trump.
Huffington Post: The six rules of Islamophobia in America.
The New York Times: ‘Everyone is welcome here’: School closes ranks in support of minorities after hate crimes.