Trump spent President’s Day with man who wants to “kill 100 million” Muslims; militia groups meet the law — in court; when hate attacks, many stand up and fight back; and more.
Media Matters for America: Trump parties over Presidents’ Day weekend With Michael Savage, a bigoted conspiracy theorist who called for killing 100 Million Muslims.
The New York Times: Trump still in contact with Alex Jones, the rabid conspiracy theorist infamous for calling Sandy Hook and 9/11 ‘inside jobs’.
The Guardian: Anti-Muslim groups have tripled in the U.S., and Islamophobia doesn’t stop at the border.
AhlulBayt News Agency: Muslim civil rights groups urge increased protection for Alabama mosques following email threats.
Politico: CPAC’s identity crisis: Conference allows transphobia, Islamophobia, and misogyny but draws the line at pedophilia.
Think Progress: Texas hunters who blamed immigrants actually shot each other, cops say.
The Huffington Post: Over 1,100 companies pulled their ads from Breitbart: Why do Google, Amazon, and Facebook still advertise on Bannon’s “platform for the Alt-Right”?
Metro: Man handing out Neo-Nazi leaflets on campus is punched by student.
ABC 57 News: From swastikas to coded lip tattoos, the Anti-Defamation League explains the symbols of hate.
The Seattle Times: Brandon Curtiss, the founder of 3% of Idaho militia group, faces felony assault charge.
Raw Story: Robert Doggart convicted of plot to recruit a militia to massacre Muslim community.
Anti-Defamation League: Google deletes white supremacist sales platform from play store.