Daily Oklahoman: Legislation to protect ‘gay conversion’ therapy passed Oklahoma House committee.
Right Wing Watch: State legislator bravely moves to eliminate ‘no go zones’ in Tennessee.
WIS-TV (Columbia, S.C.): Racist KKK political flyers urging voters to turn out the ‘n—– lovers’ show up in people’s mailboxes.
Salon: Former Georgia attorney general acknowledges that ‘religious liberty’ laws are ‘an excuse to discriminate.’
Media Matters: Rush Limbaugh claims that President Obama’s race gives him ‘blanket amnesty’ to push ‘illegal executive amnesty.’
Breitbart Unmasked: Sovereign citizen Hakeem El Bey crosses swords with Judge Richard Posner in court, and loses badly.
Raw Story: Here’s what to expect at CPAC’S annual right-wing carnival of guns, racism and God.