Right Wing Watch: White nationalist CPAC sponsor once warned that multiculturalism is a ‘virus’ that is destroying America.
Orcinus: American Family Association hits back with its own ‘hate map,’ featuring its own hypocritical twist.
Talking Points Memo: Tennessee lawmaker says America needs a ‘Council on Christian Relations and an NAAWP.’
Media Matters: Rush Limbaugh’s latest conspiracy theory: New York ISIS arrests were a ploy to push net neutrality, ban gun ammo.
Palladium-Item (Richmond, IN): Truck arson, coupled with racist graffiti, at home of black man leaves neighbors concerned.
Montgomery (AL) Advertiser: Once upon a time, Roy Moore disagreed with today’s Roy Moore.
NJ.com: Fresh out of prison, extremist ‘shock jock’ Hal Turner vows to turn his on-air wrath on the government.
Imagine 2050: NumbersUSA’s Rosemary Jenks warns that refugee programs are actually a vehicle for ISIS