New York Times: Alabama’s chief justice tells probate judges to refuse to issue same-sex marriage licenses.
Crooks and Liars: Fox News misunderstands joke, conflates ‘Sharia Law’ claim with swastika graffiti at U.C. Davis Jewish fraternity.
Right Wing Watch: GOP presidential hopefuls and congressional members appear in new anti-LGBT ‘documentary.’
Talking Points Memo: Rep. Aaron Schock’s communications chief resigns after bigoted Facebook posts turn up.
Daily Kos: Christian minister opens up Tennessee Senate session with prayer to end Medicaid expansion.
WIAT-TV (Birmingham, AL): Man has unsettling experience of being recruited for Ku Klux Klan while shopping.
Phoenix New Times: Two arrested in connection with brutal ax murder carried out by Aryan Brotherhood.
Truthout: Activist publishes book of hate mail from Bible-believing Christians, and is inundated with a fresh wave of it.