• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 2/8/2016

Hatewatch Staff


Trump robocalls explicitly racist; Oregon militia threats fizzle out; BLM spending more on range arms race; and more.

CNN: White nationalists’ robocalls on behalf of Donald Trump astonish New Hampshire voters.

The Oregonian: Militia group backs down on plan to invade Burns as signs go up supporting law enforcement.

AlterNet: What is the link between the Oregon militiamen and Mormonism?

Right Wing Watch: Alex Jones claims that Bernie Sanders supporters are like Nazis clamoring for Adolf Hitler.

Orlando Sentinel: Neo-Nazi bike-gang member gets probation for attempting to buy bomb to kill black man with.

Think Progress: In Rep. Steve King, the GOP picked the worst lawmaker possible to chair a task force on immigration.

The Root: White supremacist Robert Doyle pleads guilty in plot to attack churches and synagogues.

Raw Story: Anti-gay parents compare LGBT student group at rural Tennessee school to ISIS and drunk drivers.

Washington Post: People who believe in conspiracy theories are more likely to endorse violence.

High Country News: BLM is in an arms race with antigovernment activists, but it’s still outgunned without local backup.