• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 2/9/2016

Hatewatch Staff


Bundy’s lies get a corporate boost; Trump says he’ll return white nationalist’s money; Michigan Senate passes anti-sodomy bill; and more.

Raw Story: Koch-backed lobbying group is spreading Ammon Bundy’s lies about land policy – misspellings and all.

Media Matters: Donald Trump says he’ll return money raised for his campaign by white nationalist.

Crooks and Liars: British neo-Nazi marchers now carrying ‘Trump Is Right’ signs.

The New Civil Rights Movement: Michigan Senate passes bill declaring sodomy a felony crime punishable by 15 years in prison.

Right Wing Watch: NRA’s Ted Nugent posts anti-Semitic photo on Facebook while ranting about gun control.

Tri-County Sentry (Ventura, CA): Violent hate speech, racist threats target Ventura County Baptist bishop.

Talking Points Memo: NYU prof says she and her students were racially profiled at a Marco Rubio rally.

Salon: David Daleiden’s latest legal defeat reveals just how sleazy his anti-abortion smear factory is.

Think Progress: Meet the rabbi traveling across the country to fight Islamophobia.

American Slander: American by birth, Southern by geographical accident.