Media Matters: Alex Jones loses it over gun safety PSA, pulls out gun during radio rant.
Pandagon: ‘Pissed Off Rednecks Like Me’ is a flat-out racist song, and no apologetics can hide that.
New York Times: Theocratic evangelicals plan to unleash an army of believers on behalf of Republicans in 2016.
Think Progress: The United States is becoming more tolerant of everyone, except for racists. Alabama chief justice Roy Moore’s son arrested for drug possession.
Talking Points Memo: San Francisco cops being investigated for racist texts proclaiming ‘all n—— must hang.’
WTVM-TV (Auburn, AL): Auburn residents complain after Ku Klux Klan flyers appear in driveways.
Right Wing Watch: Rick Santorum tells conspiracy theorist Frank Gaffney that ‘tyrant’ Obama is destroying America.