• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 3/12/15

Hatewatch Staff

Group of people with signs stand with US Supreme Court building in background.

Phoenix New Times: Prosecutor moves to prevent Chris Simcox from cross-examining his young alleged victims.

Express-News (San Antonio, TX): Ex-Oklahoma frat member blasts racist tweets over video incident, then deletes them.

Los Angeles Times: University of Oklahoma minorities say ‘casual racism’ permeates their lives.

Talking Points Memo: What conservatives willfully ignore when they cry ‘tyranny.’

Color Lines: How white separatists disable Native Americans’ Facebook accounts – and how Facebook lets them.

Buzzfeed: Longtime Lindsey Graham advisor ripped Martin Luther King Jr. when he was editor of neo-Confederate magazine.

Raw Story: Baton Rouge transit chief apologizes for saying whites avoided riding buses because of a lack of white drivers.

AlterNet: ‘You calling me a racist?’ Why it’s so hard for whites to confront their own failings.