Bigoted campaigns fuel anti-Muslim hate; Far right floats Austin bombing theories; How Facebook enables racist news pollution; and more.
The Intercept: Bigoted election campaigns, not terror attacks, drive anti-Muslim hate crimes, other activity.
Talking Points Memo: Trump’s ‘shithole’ remark comes back to haunt him in new immigration lawsuit.
Media Matters: Far right media immediately float bogus conspiracy theories about series of bombings in Austin.
Huffington Post: Facebook’s fear machine: How the social-media network enables racist news.
Think Progress: White supremacist Richard Spencer is surprised his college tour was a total bust.
New York Times: Why Louis Farrakhan is back in the news.
Vice: Alt-right figures pretending to be journalists are playing a dangerous game.
AlterNet: What the Kochs want students to learn about slavery is riddled with inaccuracies.
The Root: College student who smeared bodily fluids on black roommate’s belongings gets special treatment in sentencing.
Right Wing Watch: Bill O’Reilly says he would arrest Oakland mayor for warning immigrants of imminent ICE raid.
Crooks and Liars: CNN guest tries to whitewash Bannon’s racism by blaming Democrats, women, and Louis Farrakhan.
Raw Story: Trump-loving pastor resigns from school board after raging about racial mixing and ‘white genocide.’
The Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA): Man targets store for rampage because he thought Sikh owners were Muslims.
Oregonian: Malheur refuge occupier Joseph O’Shaughnessy is next to face sentencing.
Mother Jones: California secessionists are hoping for a political bump from Donald Trump.
Spectator USA: The wild, wild world of ex-Sheriff David Clarke: a tale of fallen celebrity, divorce, and an affair with a Muslim woman.