• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 3/23/2017

Hatewatch Staff


Knife-wielding white man wanted to ‘make a statement’; YouTube’s role as content engine for the dark side; Breitbart tags take aim at Swedish culture; and more.

Washington Post: White man who stabbed New York man traveled there to kill black people and ‘make a statement.’

BuzzFeed: How YouTube acts as the content engine for the Internet’s darkest corners.

Talking Points Memo: White House says it doesn’t know anything about Brigitte Gabriel’s visit.

Media Matters: Breitbart is tagging articles with a bigoted alt-right meme that attacks Swedish multiculturalism.

Right Wing Watch: NOM and global culture warriors launch anti-trans advertising bus tour.

The News Dispatch: Fugitive arrested nearly three years after police find cache of explosives, firearms.

Buffalo News (NY): International kidnapping in same-sex custody fight brings 3-year prison term.

Times-Union (Albany, NY): Militia member who described himself as ‘extremely dangerous’ freed by judge on bail.

Think Progress: The first immigrant detainee to die under President Trump had a treatable disease.

KFGO-AM (Fargo, ND): Old small-town church belonging to North Dakota white supremacist burns down in Rome, N.D.

KFOR-TV (Oklahoma City): Firefighter from iconic photo of Murrah bombing tragedy retires, says ‘It’s still tough to talk about.’

Raw Story: Hawaii GOP lawmaker says she’s leaving the party, cites its growing racism and sexism.

Huffington Post: This interactive map reveals the long and tragic history of lynching in America.

Political Research Associates: The birth of the alt-right, from its misogynist beginnings to it white-nationalist ascent.