• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 3/24/15

Hatewatch Staff

Talking Points Memo: FBI looking into Florida cops linked to racist video depiction of President Obama.

Right Wing Watch: Tony Perkins warns that a favorable Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage could lead to a full-blown revolution.

Oregonian: Feds indict Coos County ‘sovereign citizen’ for filing phony liens against federal judges, prosecutors.

DiversityInc: AOL.com’s comments section becoming a haven for hate mongers.

Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS): Corinth police investigating brutal assault as an anti-gay hate crime, which aren’t designated in Mississippi.

Argus-Leader (Sioux Falls, SD): South Dakotans worried that polygamist FLDS group wants to expand its presence.

Al Jazeera America: Muslim police officers allege harassment, ‘constant suspicion.’

Orange County Register (CA): Garden Grove woman, part of white supremacist gang, gets 20 years for kidnapping, assault.

Raw Story: AFA’s Sandy Rios warns her Christian listeners to prepare for ‘martyrdom’ if Supreme Court sanctions same-sex marriage