Hateful rhetoric after terror attacks decried; Oregon threats still pour in over Malheur arrests; and more.
Salon: Donald Trump’s deadly nationalism has mainstreamed hate, and turned politics violent – and he hasn’t even won yet.
Talking Points Memo: Trump rules out internment camps for Muslims.
The New York Times: Trump’s secret weapon: Blue-state Republicans.
BuzzFeed: Stormfront founder Don Black urged listeners to vote for Trump.
Think Progress: Police find and detonate bomb at Trump supporter’s home after he threatened Muslim; gets 90 days’ jail time.
Media Matters: Leading civil rights, advocacy and faith organizations decry hateful rhetoric in wake of Belgium, Turkey tragedies.
Right Wing Watch: AFA’s Bryan Fischer calls for ban on mosques to ‘de-Islamize’ America.
Raw Story: Neo-Nazi Trump supporter calls for execution of Ted Cruz’s ‘s— wife’ over links to Jewish bankers.
KCRA-TV (Davis, CA): Racist flyers appear on UC Davis printers; source under investigation.
The Daily Princetonian: Hacker, white-supremacist website claim responsibility for anti-Semitic messages distributed around campus.
Seattle Times: Threats continue to pour in to law-enforcement agencies, Oregon governor over killing during Malheur arrests.