• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 3/30/15

Hatewatch Staff

Associated Press: Indiana tries to contain the backlash from  bill legalizing anti-LGBT discrimination.

Media Matters: Discredited conspiracy theorist Larry Klayman is behind lawsuit accusing Hillary Clinton of racketeering.

Right Wing Watch: Retired Army Gen. Jerry Boykin calls on ‘God’s army’ to rise up and fight the ‘evil’ of gay rights.

Wonkette: Michigan AFA leader warns his constituents that there is a gay man in their midst, editing the Midland paper.

Talking Points Memo: Oklahoma students who used racist chant reportedly learned it at national SAE leadership gathering.

Arizona Journal: Arizona State Sen. Sylvia Allen comes under scrutiny for her actions surrounding law-enforcement bill.

Texas Observer: Riot at for-profit immigrant-detention center leaves small town pondering its future.

Washington Post: After spending 48 hours on the most toxic spaces on Reddit, some lessons in civility and futility.