• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 3/3/15

Hatewatch Staff

Associated Press: At preliminary hearing in shooting rampage, witness says he heard Frazier Glenn Miller shout ‘Heil Hitler.’

Ames (IA) Tribune: ’We will burn all of you,’ a letter left at local mosque threatens; investigation sought.

Crooks and Liars: Franklin Graham warns that our government ‘has been infiltrated by Muslims.’

MSNBC/Politics Nation: The far-right sources of many of anti-Obama fake ‘facts.’

CBS Los Angeles: California Assembly passes bill outlawing sale of Confederate flags at state-owned shops.

Talking Points Memo: Radio host Andrea Shea King says black congressmen skipping Netanyahu speech should hang ‘from a noose.’

Right Wing Watch: Rick Wiles predicts that President Obama will force Communism on America in 2015.

Wonkette: Commenters teach Obamacare-hating ex-Sheriff Richard Mack a lesson by helping pitch in on his medical bills.