Phoenix New Times: Neo-Nazis, white supremacists confront ASU protesters out to defend professor over ‘whiteness’ course.
Right Wing Watch: Kris Kobach says it’s ‘not a huge jump’ to think that President Obama could ban criminal prosecution of all black people.
JoeMyGod: African-American pastors’ group to award Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore honor named after MLK for stance on same-sex marriage.
Think Progress: Georgia ‘license to discriminate’ bill forced through committee during bathroom break.
Crooks and Liars: Ben Carson blames CNN for making him look bad after his ‘prison gay sex’ remarks.
Raw Story: Angry ‘American citizen’ wishes beheading on Oregon councilwoman who opposed placing motto in hearing room.
Talking Points Memo: South Carolina’s Laurens County GOP resolves that premarital sex disqualifies you as a Republican.