Trump and the new American authoritarianism; High court reverses Alabama on LGBT adoption; Hate crimes charges in L.A. attack; and more.
Democracy Now: Is Donald Trump the charismatic leader the KKK and neo-Nazis have been waiting for?
Vox: The ascent of American authoritarianism, and what it means even beyond Trump.
Think Progress: Ted Cruz’s Michigan legislative co-chair wants to outlaw homosexuality.
USA Today: Supreme Court reverses Alabama court that denied lesbian woman’s adoption.
Raw Story: Blood-drinking Florida Senate candidate barred from Canada over neo-Nazi connections.
Talking Points Memo: Wisconsin high-court justice apologizes for her college-era columns attacking ‘queers’ and AIDS.
Media Matters: Conservative legal pundit suggests that African-American woman listed as potential high-court nominee isn’t very smart.
Right Wing Watch: Jerry Boykin seems to believe that Skousen’s ‘Naked Communist’ was published by the communists themselves.
Los Angeles Times: Three men charged with hate crimes in attack on Latinos at county park.