Media Matters: Confronted about his alliance with Alex Jones, Rand Paul tries to downplay their past.
Right Wing Watch: NRA’s Wayne LaPierre warns against election of Hillary Clinton, who ‘will bring a permanent darkness of deceit and despair.’
AlterNet: Fearmongering dominates NRA convention, where the talk is about ‘eliminating the threat.’
JoeMyGod: AFA caller describes economic boycotts as ‘economic terrorism,’ and Sandy Rios agrees.
Des Moines (IA) Register: Man charged with sending threatening letter with fake anthrax, ant-LGBT slurs to gay bar.
Salon: Recollections of a childhood racist, from 1966, when his hometown school first integrated, and he said something awful.
Raw Story: Evangelical Republicans lash out at LGBT and abortion rights in new chapter of culture wars.
Think Progress: One year later, Cliven Bundy and his right-wing militia are still trying to seize public lands.