The renaissance of intellectual racism; DREAM student deportation shocks immigrants; How Trump administration puts Islam on trial; and more.
U.S. News and World Report: Intellectual racism enjoys a renaissance, thanks to white nationalists in academia.
Think Progress: Deportation of protected DREAM student sends shock waves through the immigrant community.
Boston Review: The Trump administration puts Islam on trial by promoting bigoted phobia about the faith.
San Francisco Chronicle: InfoWars’ Alex Jones allegedly forgot facts about his kids after eating ‘a big bowl of chili.’
Raw Story: Doctor testifies that Jones is diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder.
Imagine 2050: Anti-immigrant groups once again have been welcomed at Earth Day Texas.
Washington Post: Cal-Berkeley cancels Ann Coulter appearance out of concerns about attracting violence.
Right Wing Watch: Hate group leader Dave Daubenmire announces protest of ‘Sodomite homosexual spirits’ behind Atlanta play.
Oregonian: Oregon sovereign citizen accused of issuing more than $100 trillion in fake finance documents goes on trial.
KVUE-TV (Austin, TX): Mass shooting plot only the latest sign of growing sovereign-citizen presence in Austin.
Media Matters: Fox News promotes Eric Bolling, noted bigot, conspiracy theorist, and Muppet-hater.
Houston Chronicle: Police capture Aryan Brotherhood fugitive on Texas’ Top 10 Most Wanted list.
The Stranger: An interview with Rachel Dolezal is a journey into the heart of whitness.
AlterNet: How the right-wing Koch and DeVos families are funding hate speech on campuses around the nation.