• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 4/24/15

Hatewatch Staff

Bloomberg: Ted Cruz encounters former Cliven Bundy security chief on the campaign trail, greets him warmly.

Right Wing Watch: Anti-LGBT pastor Scott Lively warns that only ‘torches and pitchforks’ will stop same-sex marriage.

Indian Country Today: Native American actors walk off set of Adam Sandler comedy, angered over racist jokes and disrespect of elders.

Raw Story: Oregon woman insists she’s ‘not a racist,’ but repeatedly calls black neighbor a ‘n—–’ in parking feud.

Savannah Today (GA): Meth operation headed by white supremacist prison gang is busted by Savannah drug agents.

Salon: Iowa Rep. Steve King says he wants to save the Constitution from gay marriage by ignoring the Constitution.

Talking Points Memo: Why racial politics is so often a zero-sum game for white people.