Bundy’s attorneys claim Feds have no jurisdiction over lands; Cruz campaign recruits kooks; Muslim cemeteries face backlash; and more.
Talking Points Memo: Ammon Bundy’s legal team argues that charges should be dismissed because feds have no jurisdiction over federal lands.
Wonkette: Bundy’s buddies added crude drawing of penis to petroglyphs at Malheur site sacred to Native Americans.
Montana Cowgirl: Ted Cruz’s campaign in Montana recruits local conspiracy theorists, crackpots.
Fox Carolina: South Carolina police chief suspended over racially incendiary social-media posts.
Media Matters: Fox News’ Dr. Keith Ablow proposed a harmful new ‘treatment’ for transgender children.
Right Wing Watch: Chuck Norris gets behind the chemtrails theory.
Seattle Times: Vandals hit Seattle church with racist graffiti.
Associated Press: Backlash greets plans for Muslim cemeteries across the United States.
Raw Story: Maine’s Tea Party governor goes on a weird racist rant about workers from Bulgaria and India.
Think Progress: Texas man sentenced to die after expert testified that black people are ‘dangerous.’
The Advocate: FBI reveals that in the ‘60s, then-Louisiana Gov. John McKeithen arranged payments to KKK to keep down the violence.