Coulter and alt-right using the lefty playbook; VOICE office encourages crime victims to blame immigrants; Moore announces for Sessions’ seat; and more.
Mother Jones: How Ann Coulter and the alt-right are using the lefty playbook to troll Berkeley.
Think Progress: Trump creates new VOICE office that allows victims of crimes to blame immigrants.
Recode: Google is expanding its AdSense policies directed at reducing hate speech. Roy Moore announces bid for Sessions’ Senate seat, resigns from Alabama Supreme Court.
Right Wing Watch: Pat Buchanan warns, ‘The West is being colonized and invaded by folks from its former colonies.’
Review Journal (Las Vegas, NV): Ryan Bundy sues federal government, claiming his rights were violated by prison rules.
Register-Guard (Eugene, OR): Neo-Nazis, ‘antifa’ protesters exchange shouts in Springfield, but no arrests.
Daily Kos: Anti-immigration hate group leader boasts that ‘our allies are now well placed in the Trump administration.’
KXLY-TV (Spokane, WA): Post Falls company with racist stereotype painted on its trucks comes under fire.
Go MN (Minneapolis): As white-supremacist flyers appear in Fargo, concerns begin to rise.
Salon: Texas anti-LGBT ‘bathroom’ bill would also target veterans, women, and the elderly.
OC Weekly: Suddenly famous alt-right figure has a lot of different stories about who he really is.
Media Matters: Right Side Broadcasting has to apologize after contributor urges audience to ‘kill the globalists’ at CNN.