Media Matters: The first rule of hosting the leader of an anti-LGBT hate group is to identify him as that for your viewers.
Palm Beach Post: Police will pursue hate-crimes charges in beating death of Hispanic man by three white males.
Mother Jones: The Supreme Court will hear the scientific arguments about how gay marriage will destroy America.
Salon: What are Rand Paul and Mike Huckabee doing in the year’s most bigoted and vile documentary, ‘Light Wins’?
Crooks and Liars: Ron Paul plays a starring role in conspiracy-mongering extremists’ latest film, ‘Midnight Ride.’
Right Wing Watch: Right-wing anti-LGBT activists threaten revolution, uprising if Supreme Court OKs same-sex marriage.
Talking Points Memo: Iowa ‘Faith and Freedom Summit’ turns into a wild gay-bashing festival for GOP candidates.
AlterNet: Right-wing media cynically exploit unrest in Baltimore to promote narrative about a ‘race war.’