• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 4/3/2018

Hatewatch Staff


A look at the alt-right subculture’s non-culture; Trump takes tweets to new low; Fox guest Steyn plugs notorious racist ‘novel’; and more.

Vice: The alt-right is a subculture without a culture.

Mother Jones: Trump takes his anti-immigrant tweets to a new level of misleading and false smears.

Fast Company: Before there was social media, hate speech and propaganda were spread by phone.

AlterNet: Evidence of violent extremism is of little media interest when the killer is white.

Media Matters: Tucker Carlson guest Mark Steyn plugs a book revered by white supremacists.

CNN: Florida middle-school teacher who ran a white-nationalist podcast submits her resignation.

Right Wing Watch: Chuck Baldwin says it’s a ‘Biblical requirement’ for everyone to own an assault rifle.

Raw Story: Ted Nugent whines that he’s a victim of ‘hate speech’ after attack on Parkland teens backfires.

Think Progress: Alaskans set to vote on bill that would ban transgender people from using the bathroom.

Associated Press: Judge to decide whether Nazi ‘troll storm’ is protected free speech.

KOIN-TV (Portland, OR): ‘Punish a Muslim Day’ flyers circulated around Portland’s public schools.

Huffington Post: Alex Jones hit with another defamation lawsuit, and it could go to a jury.

OutSmart (Houston, TX): Harris County judge was ousted over his willingness to officiate at gay weddings.

Talking Points Memo: In an attempt to speed up deportations, DOJ gives judges quotas to meet.

BellingCat: The curious case of ‘David Jewberg,’ the fake senior Pentagon Russia analyst.