• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 4/4/2016

Hatewatch Staff


Armed mosque scatters when defenders show up armed; Secessionist to fly Confederate flag before Roof trial; and more.

Dallas Morning News: Planned armed protest of Dallas mosque disperses when large contingent of armed black counter-protesters shows up.

WCIV-TV (Columbia, S.C.): Secessionists to fly Confederate flag at Statehouse the day before Dylann Roof’s trial begins.

Montgomery Advertiser: Proposed ‘Alabama Heritage Preservation Act’ is more in the line of a Hatred Preservation Act.’

Raw Story: Muslim child’s teacher tells him ‘we all think you’re a terrorist.’

The Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS): Mississippi RV park owner evicts interracial couple after finding out they’re married.

Associated Press: Man who fired rifle at mosque after Paris terrorism attacks apologizes.

Media Matters: CNN invites spokesman from hate group, FRC, to debate Mississippi’s extreme anti-LGBT law.

National Review: Why white nationalist thugs are naturally drawn to Donald Trump.

Right Wing Watch: Religious right legal leader agrees with Trump’s first position, thinks states could punish women for abortions.

Think Progress: John Kasich would let individual states decide whether to punish women for abortion.