• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 5-22-15

Hatewatch Staff

Calm waters under dock with cloudy skies above.

BuzzFeed: Scott Walker tells crowd that Americans need to ‘wake up’ to ‘other motives’ besides work that bring immigrants to U.S.

Media Matters: Gun Owners of America – whose leader, Larry Pratt, has been linked to extremists – to host GOP candidate Ted Cruz.

Right Wing Watch: Pratt tells interviewer that Obama ‘has made it very clear he doesn’t like the United States.’

Think Progress: Anti-LGBT groups gear up to fight a 30-year-old Supreme Court victory over racism.

Salon: Extremist Milwaukee sheriff tells Fox’s Sean Hannity that liberals celebrate ‘subhuman’ black culture.

Talking Points Memo: Georgia school nurse allegedly yelled racial slur at black 11-year-old.

Raw Story: See how this Oregon teen turns the table on some hateful anti-LGBT protesters.