Russia-linked company registered alt-right sites; Vote suppressor says it out loud; ‘America First’ adviser spouts pro-Nazi hate; and more.
Washington Post: Russia-linked company that hired Michael Cohen registered alt-right websites during the election.
Think Progress: One of Republicans’ top vote suppressors gets caught saying the racist quiet part out loud.
Mediaite: Policy adviser for Trump-tied ‘America First’ group praises Nazis: ‘They should’ve kept going.’
Vox: ‘Intellectual Dark Web’ explained: What Jordan Peterson has in common with the alt-right.
AlterNet: John Kelly offers a bigoted defense of breaking up immigrant families.
Media Matters: Alex Jones and his co-hosts have a misogynistic obsession with lesbians.
Crooks and Liars: GOP candidate Patrick Little joins David Duke’s radio show, urges Trump to ‘name the Jew.’
CBC: Three Percenters are Canada’s most dangerous extremist group, according to experts.
Towleroad: Four men who attacked gay couple at Miami Beach Pride get hate-crime charges, face up to 30 years.
Wisconsin State Journal (Madison): Attorney general defends his trip to ADF conference, says they’re trying ‘to build better love.’
Right Wing Watch: Gavin McInnes says wearing a ‘MAGA hat is like being openly gay in 1950.’
Press Herald (Portland, ME): Aryan tattoo dispute leads to near-fatal stabbing, 90-day jail sentence.
Raw Story: White student whines that he tore down ‘Black Lives Matter’ poster because he felt violated by it.
Mother Jones: Yale student who called police on her napping black classmate has done this kind of thing before.
Lewisville Texan (TX): Neo-Nazi group posts anti-immigrant flyers around Old Town.
Vice: Woman who unleashed racist tirade at two customers in a Canadian Denny’s has been fired.
Daily Mail (UK): Members of right-wing ‘Proud Boys’ group in Sydney after bashing ‘one of their own who broke the rules.’