Caravan asylum seekers turned away; CBP targets humanitarian group; ICE falsely labeling immigrants as gang members; and more.
Mother Jones: Asylum seekers from Central American caravan are being turned away at the U.S. border.
The Intercept: Border Patrol targets prominent humanitarian group in Arizona as criminal organization.
Media Matters: ICE is wrongly designating immigrants as gang members to deport them, thrilling conservatives.
Think Progress: Law enforcement focused on counterprotesters, not neo-Nazis, before Tennessee rally.
Al Jazeera: Fears of violence lurk as cities gear up for May Day events, and right-wing counter-protests.
Vox: The racial demons that help explain the continuing for Trump among evangelicals.
Salon: Right-wing religious nationalists launch ‘Project Blitz,’ a covert and dramatic new power play.
Washington Post: University of Virginia bans organizer of ‘Unite the Right’ rally from its campus.
Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA): Alt-right provocateur James Allsup makes WSU appearance, backs Identity Evropa.
Right Wing Watch: 12 far-right candidates working to pull the GOP to the fringe in 2018.
Chronicle of Higher Education: The ugly truth about being a black professor in America.
The Hill: Roy Moore files lawsuit against accusers, claiming political conspiracy against him.
The Guardian: Woman behind the term ‘incel’ says angry men hijacked her word ‘as a weapon of war.’
Dallas Morning News (TX): 57 white-supremacist gang members charged in North Texas drug-trafficking conspiracy.
Chicago Tribune: Five guns taken from teen who wore T-shirt promoting neo-Nazi ‘Patriot Front.’
Niagara Gazette (NY): Police make arrest in racially motivated assault on student outside local tavern.