• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 5/12/2016

Hatewatch Staff


Calling out Trump’s supporters; Cruz backers plot to take over RNC; Zimmerman auctions of gun used to kill Trayvon Martin; and more.

Forward: How Donald Trump became the darling of America’s white supremacists.

Talking Points Memo: White nationalist would-be Trump delegate says we can discuss race ‘more openly’ now.

Media Matters: White nationalist party director James Kelso says his group wants to help Trump ‘as much as we can.’

Leonard Pitts (Miami Herald): If Trump loses, get ready to duck.

Think Progress: Meet the radical social conservatives conspiring to lead Ted Cruz’s effort to take over the RNC.

New York Daily News: Ku Klux Klansmen harass H.K. Edgerton, longtime black pro-Confederate activist.

Right Wing Watch: Pat Robertson warns once again that homosexuality will destroy America.

CNN: Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooter Robert Lewis Dear found incompetent to stand trial.

Raw Story: North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory thinks Congress should revisit 1964 Civil Rights Act to allow segregated bathrooms.

Sacramento Bee: Man behind hate flyer identified, arrested on separate charge.

Crooks and Liars: George Zimmerman is auctioning off gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin to raise funds to fight Clinton.